CPV is a Six level classification system used to clasify Products, Services, Entities and more. CPV is an acronym for Common Procurement Vocabulary.
CPV is developed by the European Union, to facilitate the processing of invitations regarding public tenders.
The CPV consists of a main vocabulary and a supplementary vocabulary. The main vocabulary is based on a tree structure comprising of codes of up to nine digits associated with a phrase that describes the supplies, works or services forming the subject of the contract.
Each of the last three digits gives a greater degree of precision within each category. A ninth digit serves to verify the previous digits.
The CPV version 2008 is the current CPV version.
Input Product: airway-guedel-size0-ster-single-use--s0390022 UNICEF
Input Product: WHO fentanyl-0.05mg ml-10ml-amp. pinjfent5a a1