Core specialization of SoftNis comes from customer driven product classification methodologies. Google product Taxonomy is one such classification method that we exclusively engage in.
SoftNis undertakes an in-depth analysis of products, its type and application to classify it to its granular level subcategory. Business enterprises need good product visibility on search engines like Google to get search rankings up and drive online traffic to your website.
We at SoftNis have developed an in-house Google Product Category Taxonomy tool to automate the product categorization and speed up the turnaround time involved.
The tool auto-classifies products to its respective subcategory. All auto-classified and categorized items are subsequently cross checked manually and verified by our domain experts so as to ensure accuracy while eliminating any errors in taxonomy.
After products are auto matched and categorized, our domain experts carry out a thorough cross checking process manually with in-depth understanding of the product, its type and application and sourcing it to its respective manufacturers. If not available on the supplier’s website, we try classifying it to its most relevant and specific subcategories.
Click Here Click here to know about our Product sourcing process. By employing sourcing, we have classified more than 95% of the products with more than 85% of the products at the most granular level.
Categorizing products to its very granular level ensures: